
Showing posts from September, 2021

My '5-W's This Summer ...

The summer of 2021 has created a lot of questions in “face-to-face” and “cyber” conversations with family and friends … ‘ Who are you visiting these days?’, ‘ What is occupying your time?’, ‘ When  were you bored with nothing to do?’, ‘ Where are you most days?’, ‘ Why have you stopped writing blogs?’ Here comes my attempt to answer as best that I can, and if this gets too long, take a break or find something that is more interesting to read. 1.        WHO am I visiting with these days? - My husband any time of the day - Chats with neighbor over the back fence or on the road - Anyone who calls me on the phone or accepts my telephone call 2.        WHAT am I thankful for? - The day my husband came home from the hospital after open heart surgery and complications - For the love and support of our adult children and their families, even when we couldn’t be together. - The circumstances in my life have increased my faith and peace of mind; God is faithful always. 3.